Live Water Aquariums

Splatter Trachyphyllia

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  • Regular price $299.00

WYSIWYG  Splatter Trachyphyllia. This brain coral has a beautiful color combo with a turquoise inner layer and bright red outer layer that looks as though it has been splattered with turquoise and white paint! Will receive the exact coral in the photograph, about 3" - 4" in length

Scientific Name: Trachyphyllia 

Common Names: Brain Crater, Open Brain Coral, Wellsophyllia

Care Level: Easy

Origin / Habitat: Australia 

Temperament / Behavior: It is not an outwardly aggressive coral, but as with most coral, can sting its tank mates if too close

Food: As with many of our available coral, the symbiotic zooxanthellae will sustain them. However, they will benefit from spot feeding and love micro-plankton or brine shrimp.

Light: These corals will do best with low to moderate lighting

Water Movement: This variety prefers a low flow area, you want just enough current to keep its tissues clean of detritus. But blast it with too much current, and you can expect it to remain tightly contracted.